Are you tired of uncontrollable blood glucose levels? Excess weight? An increasing need for oral medications and insulin? Are you tired of all the conflicting and confusing information about what to eat?

Join thousands of people who have addressed the root cause of all blood glucose variability – insulin resistance – using the Mastering Diabetes Method. Learn a new way of eating and reverse insulin resistance permanently.

Start by understanding the science of insulin resistance and move on to a detailed description of how to implement the Mastering Diabetes Method into your busy life, which includes daily movement and intermittent fasting.

Included in the book are success stories from people just like you, weekly meal plans and over 30 delicious, nutrient-dense, diabetes-friendly recipes.

Learn more here!

10 Things Mastering Diabetes: The Revolutionary Method to Reverse Insulin Resistance Permanently in Type 1, Type 1.5, Type 2, Prediabetes, and Gestational Diabetes Will Teach You

Mastering Diabetes is a revolutionary book that will teach you how to…
  1. Get your best A1c in the next 3 months and maintain it for years
  2. Reverse insulin resistance permanently and feel the best you’ve felt in years
  3. Eat more and weigh less for the rest of your life
  4. Lower your cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides using food as medicine
  5. Get full control of your blood glucose for the first time in years
  6. Avoid the long-term chronic disease risks of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets
  7. Eat carbohydrate-rich food and overcome nasty food cravings
  8. Make 30 delicious and satisfying recipes that meet (and exceed) your nutrition needs
  9. Easily implement intermittent fasting for increased insulin sensitivity
  10. Know exactly how to move your body for incredible blood glucose control

Learn more here.

Meet The Authors

Cyrus Khambatta, PhD, and Robby Barbaro, MPH, are the team behind, an online coaching platform for people living with all forms of diabetes that focuses on low-fat plant-based whole-food nutrition.

Khambatta has a degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University as well as a PhD in nutritional biochemistry from UC Berkeley and has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2002. Barbaro has a master’s degree in public health, spent six years helping build the Forks Over Knives empire, and has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2000.

Learn more here!

Heres the video promo video for the book introduction.