10 Coronavirus Tips

1. SORT THE BS: Follow Facts, Ignore Fiction.

2. WHAT IF: Have A “Caught it” Plan.

3. WASH HANDS: 20 Seconds & Frequently.

4. FACE OFF: Hands off the face!

5. DISENFECT: Wipe, Spray & Wash.

6. COVER UP: Cover Sneezes & Coughs

7. STAY AWAY: Social Distance Saves Lives.

8. SICK STAY: If You Feel Sick Stay Home.

9. CAVE UP: If Exposed Self Quarantine.

10. MASK IT: If You Are Sick Wear A Mask

BONUS TIP: Be Overwhelmed By Common Sense

We’re now inundated with news about the Coronavirus. Some good, some bad and some ugly misinformation coming from a wide array of sources.

The challenge facing us is finding the kernels of truth that we can rely upon for making the right decisions for ourselves, our families and our communities.

First the Good News – The Key Resources.

Here are a few links to sites with current information about the virus.

The World Health Organization – Coronavirus: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus

The World Health Organization – Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports

The World Health Organiation – Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19): https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses

CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – About Coronavirus Disease 2019: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/index.html

CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus Situation Summary: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/summary.html

CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Coronavirus News: https://www.cdc.gov/media/dpk/diseases-and-conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus-2020.html

Then the Bad News

The World Health Organization has officially declared the COVID19 Virus infection a pandemic. News outlets are claiming that a number of countries are not adequately prepared to manage either the spread or the consequences of the outbreak.

Now the Ugly News

Spammers and Scammers.

It’s become normal for scammers to blast out emails, articles and social media posts in attempts to cash in on big news events, especially tragic events. We can expect to see emails, websites and social media posts for fake fund raisers for victims along with fake cures, fake prevention steps and other claims that read like tabloid headlines.


Remember, self-care matters. Every step we take, every decision we make to better manage our diabetes makes a difference in how well and how long we live. Choose wisely. Live long, love life and be well.

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